Use of the Websites

Websites, , (hereafter referred to as the “Websites) are the exclusive property of Trovac Industries Ltd (or “Trovac”). When you access Trovac’s Websites you accept the terms and conditions of use stated below, and on each Website

Intellectual property

The Websites,,,, and all elements that compose them (texts, documents, photos, images, illustrations, designs, sources code, logos…) are the exclusive property of Trovac. It is prohibited to broadcast or reproduce them, in whole or in part, and under any given form, without the express written consent of Trovac. Any other use constitutes counterfeit and is sanctioned by the laws on intellectual property.


Hayden, Super Vac Hayden, Retraflex, Wally Flex (as well as their respective designs and/or logos) are protected trademarks held by Trovac. They cannot be copied, reproduced, or used, in whole or in part, without the former and express written consent of Trovac.

IP address and other browsing information

Some computer information is collected and used to allow or make your use of our Websites more effective. This information is not personal information. It includes the IP address of your computer and that of your Internet supplier, the hour and date where you consulted our Website, the operating system your are using, the sections of the Website that you accessed, the pages you visited, the images displayed, and the content you downloaded from the Website.


When you use one of our Websites, some small files called “Cookies” are installed on your computer to allow recognition of subsequent visits that will be made from your computer. They do not collect any personal information that may allow your identification. The information provided by this technology simply allows us to make your experience easier and to offer you more convenience during your use of our Websites.

Links to external Websites

There are links between our Websites to other websites. We are not responsible of these other websites, or of the use that they make or do not make of your personal information. You are therefore invited to carefully read the privacy policy of each external website that you visit by clicking on these links.


The Websites mentioned above are exclusively intended for adults. If you are a parent or a legal guardian, you accept to be responsible of their use by children, minors, and other people under your supervision.


It is prohibited to access the sources code of Trovac’s Websites. You cannot reproduce or broadcast any information contained in Trovac’s Websites, unless you only do so for personal purposes.


Trovac cannot in any way be held responsible for any given damage resulting from the use of its Websites by anyone.

Applicable laws and jurisdiction

The use and content of the Websites, www.haydenvac.comm, et, are regulated by the laws of the province of Quebec and interpreted in compliance with these laws. Regardless of the place from where you access either of Trovac’s Websites, you agree that only the courts located in the judicial district of Montreal, in the province of Quebec, Canada, in which the parties take residence, will be competent to hear any legal demand or any claim, based in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, on either of the terms and conditions of use of Trovac’s Websites.

Terms of use of Trovac’s Websites Dated April, 2018

Contact Trovac

If you have any questions or comments for us regarding the rules and practices on the Privacy Policy of our organization, do not hesitate to contact us:

E-mail address:
Phone: 1 800 361-9553
Postal address:
Trovac Industries Ltd
3, Marcel-Ayotte
Blainville (Québec) J7C 5L7